Dome house
Shell house
Spothauz –
home to next generation quality
Spothauz - home to the next generation of quality. Create the perfect living space by building your home, that you've long dreamed of, because now size, sustainability and shape no longer affect growing costs! Dome and shell homes are modern, versatile, spacious and cost-effective. That is our future!
Dome house
The dome is a perfect space to live, work and create. It is the most efficient form in nature, providing the largest living space using the smallest surface area of the land.
The dome is structurally superior to rectangular buildings. Compared to them, dome buildings cover a much larger area without internal supports. With no load-bearing walls, the possibilities for interior planning are almost endless. Since the dome is a perfect form, all its proportions are based on one criterion: the diameter of the lower circle. Everything else follows naturally. The diameter chosen dictates the height of the structure. But the most important and the most difficult part of the project is the design of the structure of the dome itself. Once inside the dome, you can do whatever you want: build a timber-framed house or build many internal walls out of ceramic blocks, or build one or more floors. In principle, a dome is a very strong structure, but it requires very precise and complex calculations.

The main structural elements of the dome are curved wooden trusses. They are like the spars of a ship or the ribs of a large beast, which are attached to the foundation at the bottom and come together at the top. These trusses are manufactured in the factory from the highest grade (c24) of construction timber. For example, three 45 mm thick timbers are joined together for one truss, giving a total thickness of 135 mm per 'rib'.

Conveniently, all the "ribs" of the dome structure are the same. So once one is created, the others just need to be replicated. "The 'ribs' are welded to the foundation and securely connected at the top to create a solid structure. From there, everything is simpler. As in any timber-framed house, the main structures are connected by a series of intermediate fixings, and window and door slots are made. This is a responsible and meticulous job, requiring experience and knowledge.
The spherical shape of the dome means less material is needed to build it. Compared to a rectangular structure of a similar size, the surface area of the dome will be 30% smaller. Therefore, less wood is used to build a dome house than a similarly sized "box" house.
Strength and tightness.
A dome house is about five times stronger than a rectangular house. In Antarctica, for example, a dome has stood for decades and withstood winds of around 322 km per hour. The aerodynamic properties of the building ensure that the wind will bypass it instead of penetrating inside.
Energy efficiency
The building has no corners, where most of the heat is lost. The heat loss of a building is directly proportional to the surface area of the building. The dome transfers less heat to and from the environment due to its one-third smaller surface area.
Good atmosphere
The spherical design makes air circulation inside very efficient as there are no corners. The air inside the dome is therefore distributed efficiently and evenly throughout the house.
Plenty of natural light
It's always difficult to light the corners of the house. In the dome, light is unrestricted.
Attractive appearance
Exceptional-looking domed buildings always attract the attention of those around
them, while at the same time providing a remarkable sense of security and relaxation inside.
A sense of harmony
Of course, the dome alone will not solve all personal problems. But high ceilings, curved lines and a sense of open space allow us to experience a natural state of harmony in everyday life. The spherical form is often found in nature: many cells and cosmic bodies, such as planets or the starry sky at night, are shaped like this. A dome is exactly half a sphere. So, according to feng shui consultants, living in such a house is potentially healthier and more hormonal.
Main use cases and sizes
The building is made of wood.
-30% less materials than in a normal house.
30% less energy is used for heating.
Complies with A++ energy class.
100% building construction and living together with nature.
Optimali pastatų konstravimo sistema iš trijų elementų, susidedanti iš SIP (Structured Insulated Panel), dvitėjinių medinių sijų (I-beam) ir sienų jungties (wall connection).
Optimal three-element building construction system consisting of SIP (Structured Insulated Panel), I-beam and wall connection. These elements are connected between each other to form the load-bearing frame structure of the building, with the fibrolite panel forming the outer and inner SIP surface, combines all of these into a shell structure (e.g. eggshell) that gives the building spatial rigidity and strength. The system is free of cold bridges and complies with energy performance A++ class. The components are universal, project-specific and can be can be manufactured in the warehouse, and are suitable for the construction of floors, walls, slabs and roofs. The system is suitable for the design and individual architectural buildings. The elements are lightweight, with the heaviest part being about 65 kg, no special machinery is required, the power of two people is sufficient to assemble them.

A house built using SIP technology does not require a traditional foundation. Thanks to the foundation structure, the weight is distributed evenly and there are no concentrated loads. Because the materials are low in weight, the house does not settle and can therefore be built on a compacted base. The advantage of such foundations is their high durability and low cost. Houses made of SIP structures are distinguished by a very smooth wall and corner surface, which makes them particularly easy to finish. The SIP houses themselves have sufficient thermal resistance so that no additional insulation is needed. SIP houses have 12% more usable floor space than other houses of the same dimensions The savings in usable floor area are due to thinner walls.
Parts do not require a separate project and can be manufactured directly in the warehouse. Easy to adapt to different designs. Energy efficiency: EPS100N polystyrene foam is used in the construction, with a high thermal insulation of the building shall have a thermal conductivity of λD: 0,03 m2K/W, a compressive strength of ≥100 kPa and a flexural strength of ≥150 kPa.
The material is non-combustible, hydrophobic. Non-combustible, water-resistant fibrolite shall be used (GreenBoard) panels consisting of: 60 % wood wool, 39 % Portland cement (plain cement) 39 %, mineralising agent (sodium silicate or glass water). GreenBoard panels have a flammability class B-s1,d0. Polyurethane adhesive is used to bond the layers.
If the customer brings a photo of his dream house, the designer can easily recreate that by using the three-part shell construction technology. Other types of buildings for other purposes: industrial, service, commercial or recreational extensions. Reconstruction or construction projects.
Environmentally friendly
Materials that are not harmful to humans or the environment.
Fast production
for a medium-sized house, the elements can be produced in just a few days in our factory. Please contact us individually for production times. The house is assembled on site in about one week.
Greita gamyba
Vidutinio dydžio namui, elementai mūsų gamykloje pagaminami vos per kelias dienas. Dėl gamybos terminų kreiptis individualiai. Statybvietėje namai surenkami maždaug per savaitę.
80 years of service.
SIP technology popular in Japan and Europe.
An analog of polystyrene foam that reduces heat loss.
100% building construction and living together with nature.
UAB „MaRichi Homes“ stato ne tik tradicinius, bet ir neįprastus – naujos koncepcijos kupolinius namus.
Spothauz - home for the next generation of quality. Create the perfect space for living by building such a house,
which you have dreamed of for a long time, because from now on the size, sustainability and shape no longer affect the growth
expenses! Dome and shell houses are modern, versatile, spacious and economical houses - this is our future!

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      detailed offer, please fill this form. We have over 450 different product
      variants based on usage, technology, insulation, load resistance,
      material, etc. This form will help us quickly recommend the best options
      for your needs.


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      Do you have snow in the winter? *

      What is the Dome usage? *

      Are you interested in non-insulated
      or insulated Dome? *

      Do you already have a terrace or
      will you build a new terrace for the Dome? *

      Is your project urgent and has
      fixed deadline? *
